Friday, 16 May 2008

Emergenza competition: good or bad?

To be honest we weren't really expecting to get this far but we made it to the Emergenza Semi finals which we played on Wednesday (14th May 2008).

The experience has left us with very mixed emotions to say the least!

The organiser/s are completely shoddy and shouldn't be trusted as far as you can throw them... and believe me we wanted to throw them a LONG way!!!!!! They didn't listen/ were incapable of listening or worse, didn't want to listen to the basic requirements of bands. The tech meetings were a waste of time especially if you had to travel a couple of hours to get to them only to be told basic information that could have been emailed/ phoned. We were messed around quite a few times: The date changed for one tech meeting and clashed with a recording session. We let the 'promoter' know we couldn't do it, which he was fine about, then proceeded to phone us in the studio asking why we hadn't turned up!!! Then, at the last gig the same 'promoter' AGAIN asked why we hadn't shown up!!!! This beggars belief!! Check the countless emails and calls you fuckwit!!!! The worst one was when we turned up and the 'promoter' (and I use that in the loosest possible sense of the word!) had failed to show without even the common courtesy to call to say the meeting had been cancelled! Like I said SHODDY!!!!! This is the same man that said to us as we were about to soundcheck, literally had our feet on stage, and he calls another band on stage because he couldn't find us!?!?!! WE WERE ON STAGE ALREADY!!!!! His reply ' if I cant see you I cant hear you!' WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Even at gigs the 'promoter' would have digs at the bands he didn't like and would encourage the audience to vote for his 'favourites'. His words not mine!

I know this probably sounds like a huge case of sour grapes, but as I said we didn't expect to go through to even the semi finals. However some of the bands I did expect to get through didn't! Having checked the Emergenza website for the results, I found out that they had failed to get the required votes.

Hmmmm, something smells a bit fishy here and I don't mean the contents of the 'promoter's' pants!! This is where the Emergenza gigs fail. Each band is rated on the number of votes ( hands in the air) at the end of their performance. The hands are then counted by the Emergenza 'promoter'.... this is basically a popularity contest NOT one based on talent... and is open to what I can only describe as vote rigging. Having voted for MOST bands, I naturally had a look round the venue to see who else had voted. For a few bands, yep, there weren't a lot of hands, but having checked the official result page after gig I was extremely surprised to find bands that I knew had a large number of votes were listed with an exceptionally LOW number!!!! I personally feel that those bands and fans that had paid money to see their band, had been royally ripped off. How else can you explain it?!

We had to leave before the last band had finished and they were playing to around 5 people, that was all that were left in the club, but according to the results page they had 29 votes??? EH?!?!? Some bands had large followings but still didn't get through?!?!?! Very, very odd!

And don't get me started on the amount of money the fans had to pay for a ticket! At every opportunity we were reminded that 'in the real world' we would have to promote the gigs ourselves. Yes, fair point, but in this 'real world' we would get to keep the bloody money from the ticket sales NOT make £1 after 45 tickets were sold!!!!!! Also, £12 per ticket is a huge rip off for unsigned bands. This price goes up too after getting to another stage of the competition!!! It's pretty close to the price you pay to see established acts!!! I seriously think they need to re think their ' in the real world' attitude!

In one way yes, I am saddened that we didn't get through to the finals, but on the other hand we don't have to deal with that 'promoter' EVER again (hopefully!) LOL!

Now, I have dealt with the negative aspect of this competition but what about the pros?
Well, to be fair there are some. Even though each member of Dragnerve have a lot of gig experience between us all, we are essentially a new band. As such, we need exposure and MORE gig experience as a band. This competition have given us an opportunity to play some great venues, meet some excellent bands whom we are going to hook up and play with again and more importantly gained some new fans. Personally speaking I have had a lot of fun (apart from said 'promoter'!) and made loads of new friends! The other Emergenza promoter Kim who we had organised our Purple Turtle gig was excellent, really friendly, no ego and really knew her job.. it was pleasure working with her!

Is the Emergenza competition good or bad?

Well both really. If the organisers work out the kinks, (can I suggest getting rid of the dead wood of a certain 'promoter'), change their ticketing policy, get better sponsors (the equipment really sucked! That's not just my opinion either!) then I think it would be a kick ass comp. But sadly I don't think any of these thing will happen anytime soon if ever.

So, if you want exposure, there are plenty more unsigned comps out there that DON'T shamelessly exploit the bands they say they are 'promoting'.


Tuesday, 6 May 2008


Alright, alright, don't get yer noggin' in a tizzy if you are a student, but once you leave whichever fine establishment of further education which you are at, belieive me, you will see where I am coming from. I was a student once, and jeez, someone shoulda slapped me if I was on par with the total idiocy we bore witness to at the weekend at the Bristol Uni Roc Soc BOTB event. I mean, I used to do all kinds of crazy shit as student, but I pray I wasn't as retarded as this. And if really was, apologies to those I f**ked with. Better late than never.

Ok, firstly, everything seemed slightly 'laid back' arrangement wise, but I put it down to 'f**king students' as come on, we all know that students do little else but drink and smoke, especially if they are to do with any kind of Rock Society.

SO anyway...I eventually find out that there is some kind of glitch with arrangement for the kit share, but am guaranteed that we will have the necessary equipment we need to perform. So off we set to Bristol...and just getting out of London I realise that I have indeed forgotten my snare drum, so rather than fucking about I get on the phone and find a drum shop on the way which does hire outs, stop by and hire a snare drum. Job done, Bob's your uncle. The way shit should be.

We get to Bristol bang on time. In fact we beat the PA there - which sucked as they were so late in setting up meaning we didn't even get a sound check - again, I dread to think what kind of dumb-ass organising lead to that...

Waiting out the back of the Bristol Uni SU, Conan the organiser bowls up, I extend my hand and say 'You must be Conan, nice to meet you, Paul,' to which he promptly replies,'Err, and you must be...oh I 've forgotten your name..'

YOU F**KING WOT??!!! is the look shot to me by Lee. I had just introduced myself and the guy was on cloud f**king nine and couldn't even remeber my name for all of like half a second...oh shit...we were destined for some fuckery...

Nevertheless, we walk in to a massive hall with a massive stage...things seemd to be looking alright...nice dressing room...

We go back to the car and realise some c**t has keyed the side - a big long scratch all the way down one side. Shit starts to sink from there on in.

Suddenly some crazy poisonous midget she-dwarf appears and starts rambling about some shit, clearly taking herself far far far too seriously. I clocked her guzzling a bottle of wine (as only you students can) later - no wonder she didn't know the difference between her arsehole and elbow. Once the soundman had finally cranked the PA for the first time (which to me was a sure sign of progress) she had the gall to shout at the top of her voice 'Can you turn that fuckin down cos I'm trying to talk'..COME ON...the guy was doing his job, and he was already half a day behind schedule for the event she was supposed to be organising. Turn it down. Well, she's gonna get nothing but turned down, believe me.

Then came the glory for the kit share - to which it transpired we didn't have what we needed even though I had specified what it would be. They said the main band had decided not to share anything 4 days ago...4 DAYS!!! But apparently 4 days isn't long enough to sort out hiring replacement equipment, nor is it adequate time to tell the bands what they will need - I did it in a matter of minutes for my snare drum...All I can say is...F**KING STUDENTS!

So, what did this experience teach me...that there ARE still a few fit female Uni rock fans out there...that there are still some really kind people who lend their equipment to people left in the lurch...that Uni beer is not that cheap...that Uni's teach you to be a retard in the real world...but most of all, that students couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery if they f**king tried. Students - enjoy that feeling of how the world is all yours while you can, cos believe me, before long you too WILL be uttering those very same words:

